Books, Articles Et Al

As an author, Hans Utter shows his versatility with an esoteric collection of both fiction and non-fiction books, peer reviewed articles, book chapters and poetry.

An Ardent Reader, Researcher & an Author

Currently Hans Utter is working on cognitive and motion-based analysis of vocal music pedagogy, the aesthetic and philosophical dimensions of raga-mala painting, and music’s role in the construction of place within cultural narratives. Simultaneously, he is finishing up an extensive biography of Ustad Vilayat Khan, slated to be released in the coming months. He also has an upcoming book of poetry titled ‘Inside the Dreaming Eye’.
Books By Hans Utter

Trance, Ritual and Rhythm: The Cult of Mahasu Deota

  • Author: Hans Utter
  • Publisher: B. R. Rhythms, Delhi
  • Edition: 2010
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9788188827206
  • Origin: India

The book is based on field research conducted in Hanol, a Jaunsari village in the Western Himalayan region of India. The daily puja ceremonies in Hanol are central to the social and spiritual life of the community. A ritualistic drumming style is the central component of this ceremony. During the ceremony, the Bajgis – hereditary musicians, perform a series of talas (rhythmic cycles) that bring the spirit of the deity into oracles known as bakis or malis.

The Bajgis are defined reflexively and socially through their drumming, as are the Brahmins by their priestly duties. A variety of ethnographic methods are employed to analyze the religious belief systems, the performer and audience relationship, and reflexive methodologies of participation / observation. Performative activity brings together the fields of self-awareness, personal and collective identity, the body in performance, knowledge, and belief systems. All of these elements do manifest in the music.

Books By Hans Utter

Blood Lotus

  • Author: Jory Farr & Hans Utter
  • Publisher: Lulu
  • Edition: 2020
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 9781716598241

We remember many more instants than minutes, more minutes than hours, but who remembers an entire day? Vietnam-based CIA assassin Daniel Shipley does. When he’s ordered to kill a Buddhist monk and activist in Cambodia, his once comfortable world, with a beautiful wife and daughter, is turned upside down, hurtling him into darkness and chaos and setting in motion the invisible threads of fate that lead to an unimaginable destiny.


Other Fiction & Non-fiction books

Awakened Radiance of Mind, 2021.  

An exploration of music, society, and consciousness. This book covers a wide range of topics ranging from linguistics to occult practices related to music.   

Forthcoming 2023 Novels 

  • Stone Road 
  • The Ocean of Dawn 
  • Midnight 


  • Six Pack in Six Weeks 
  • Six Weeks to Supreme Success 
  • Pick yourself off the Ground—Because you already are a super star 


  • Music, Mind Control and Psychobiology  
  • A Non-Linear History of the Sitar 
  • Mastering Sitar: Volume 1  
  • Sacred Sounds—Music, Spirituality and Mind-body Healing 

Peer Reviewed Book Chapters

I Stand up Next to a Mountain

Jimi Hendrix and Philosophy: Experience Required

Book genre is Popular Culture and Philosophy. It was edited by George A. Reisch. Pages: 3-11. Chicago: Open Court, 2018.

The Cry of Love

Jimi Hendrix and Philosophy: Experience Required

Book genre is Popular Culture and Philosophy. It was edited by George A. Reisch. Pages: 207-216. Chicago: Open Court, 2018

Multimodal Analysis of Indian Vocal Music Training

The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume II

Book genre is Education. It was edited by Helga Rut Gudmundsdottir, Carol Banyon, Karen Ludke and Annabel Cohen. Routledge, 2019 (In Press).

Laboratory Site and Techniques for Ethnomusicologists

The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture

The book is a 5-volume set edited by Janet Sturman – The University of Arizona, USA. The genre is Education. Sage Publications, Inc. March 2019

Tribes and the ‘Others’

Tribes of India: Identity, Culture, and Lore

The book is part of Indira Gandhi National Open University, School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies. The book aims to provide an understanding of the different kinds of tribes that live in India, their nature of distribution across the landscape of India. Pages: 50-64. New Delhi, 2009

Folklore and Modern Art Forms

Tradition, Identity and Cultural Production

The book is part of Indira Gandhi National Open University, School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies. Pages: 126-129. New Delhi, 2009

Cultural Strategies for Asserting Identity

Tribes of India: Identity, Culture, and Lore

The book is part of Indira Gandhi National Open University, School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies. The book aims to provide an understanding of the different kinds of tribes that live in India, their nature of distribution across the landscape of India. Pages: 50-64. New Delhi, 2009

Globalization and Indigenous Cultures

Tradition, Identity and Cultural Production

The book is part of Indira Gandhi National Open University, School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies. Pages: 164-172. New Delhi, 2009

Peer Reviewed Articles

Magical Tourism and Enchanting Geographies

Edited by Jane Lovell & Nitasha Sharma. Page2 of 9. The book is under consideration with Routledge.

Sacred Time and Space

Magic, Immanent Epics, and Dangerous Women in Jaunsar-Bawar. Routledge (in press)

A Non-Linear History of the Sita

Applied Philosophy and the Ethnographic Gaze. Author: Hans Utter. International Journal of Zizek Studies 2018 

Rampur Raza Archive and ITCSRA

A review of the Rampur Raza Library and Archives and the ITC Sangeet Research Academy while researching the Imdad Khan gharana, a prominent Hindustani instrumental lineage. 

Ethnomusicology Treasure Trove in Gurgaon

A review of the Archives and Research Centre for Ethnomusicology at the American Institute of Indian Studies, Gurgaon, Haryana, India. 

From Hybridity to the Rhizome: Mapping Performance Sites

Journal of the Indian Musicological Society. Volume 40. 2009-2010. Mumbai, India pp. 131-139

Politics, Place and Memory: Performance and Construction of Tajik National Identity

Africa Meets Asia Proceedings, edited by Balasubramaniam R., S. A. K. Durga, S. N. S. Muthry, H. S. Sudhindra, July 2008. pp. 225-231.

Book Reviews 

Island Songs: A Global Repertoire

  • Editor: Godfrey Baldacchino
  • Publisher: Scarecrow Press (December 8, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • Hardcover: 340 Pages
  • ISBN-10: 0810881772
  • ISBN-13: 978-0810881778
This stellar collection of essays, edited by Godfrey Baldacchino fills a gap in recent literature on song and its connection to island life. The study of the island location is an important laboratory for the articulation of the process of ‘emplacement’ – the construction of place through music, and specifically song.

This book’s basic premises are two: that islands and their cultures are concentrated convergences of ‘place’; and that intersections of power dynamics, multiple histories, self/other relations, and communal well-being are revealed through songs. Both are well supported through the book’s diverse essays. Awareness of place is key to creating a meaningful life, and song itself is a complex negotiation of identity in the current globalized world.

Research & Publications

Tajikistan: The Politics of Poetics

Published on Middle Eastern Studies Bulletin: A Bi-annual Publication of the Middle East Studies Center: The Ohio State University (October 2007), pp. 6-10. 

Poetry as Cultural Bridge

Published on Global Perspectives: Winter 2008 Newsletter. The Ohio State University. Accessed December 2008.

Presentations by Hans Utter

Are you Experienced? Subject/Object Idealism and Jimi Hendrix

4th Biennial International Žižek Studies Conference, Athens, Georgia. May 18-20, 2018.

Social, Temporal, and Spatial Migration: The Music and Culture of the Silk Road

New York Conference on Asian Studies. Geneva, New York. September 22-23, 2017. 

Gesture, Embodied Cognition and Emotion: Comparing Hindustani Vocal Gharanas in Performance

Text: 14 International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition, San Francisco. July 5-9, 2016 & National Society for Ethnomusicology, New Orleans. November 1-4, 2012 

Poetics and Performance: the intersection of text and music in Thumri

Conference for the Music of South, Central, and West Asia. Harvard University, Cambridge, March 4-6, 2016 & Society for Ethnomusicology Conference, Wesleyan University. October 26, 2008 

Gesture, Embodied Cognition and Emotion: Comparing Hindustani Vocal Gharanas in Performance

Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS), 6th Annual Meeting, Vanderbilt Medical Center, Nashville. July / August 2015.  

From Learning to Performing: a Case Study of Indian Vocal Music

Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS) 5th Annual Meeting, Ryerson University, Canada. August 11-13, 2013.  

Negotiating Gender / Mapping the Social: Jaunsari Women’s Songs

Association for Asian Studies, San Diego. March 21-24, 2013. 

From Learning to Performing: a Case Study of Indian Vocal Music

Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS) 4th Annual Meeting, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada. August 22-24, 2012.  

Nation and Sentiment in Expression

Discussant. Central Eurasian Studies Society, 12th Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio. September 15-18, 2011. 

Healing and Mantras: Background and Research

Poster presentation. Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS) 3rd Annual Meeting, Memorial University, St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. June 8-14, 2011.  

Teaching and Learning Vocal Music in Contemporary India

Poster presentation. Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS) 3rd Annual Meeting, Memorial University, Saint John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. June 8-14, 2011.

Music, Cognition and Health: Introducing the AIRS Project

Seminar on Singing and Health, Guwahati Neurological Research Centre, Guwahati. March 11, 2011.  

From Hybridity to the Rhizomes: Modeling Contemporary Hindustani Music Performances

National Society for Ethnomusicology Conference, Los Angeles, California. November 11-14, 2010.  

Islam in South Asia: Memory, Trauma and Cultural Expression

Islamic Resurgence in the Age of Globalization: Myth, Memory, and Emotion, Trondheim, Norway. September 4-6, 2009.

East Meets West: Indian Classical Music’s Influence on Western Art Music Composers

Music and Globalization Conference. University of Delhi, Faculty of Music & Fine Arts. New Delhi, India. March 3-5, 2009.

Reflections on the Gayki Ang: Sitar and Ustad Vilayat Khan

International Workshop on the Role of Lyrics in the Transmission of Hindustani Music. Supported by Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris and The Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi. February 18- 19, 2009. 

Aspects of Hindustani Music in English Translation.

Indo-Persian Culture Conference, University of Delhi, India. March12, 2007.

Identity, Image and Globalization: College Rock Competitions in New Delhi

National Society for Ethnomusicology Conference, Columbus, Ohio. November 26, 2007. 

Oral Transmission and Heritage: Receiving Talim in Northern India

Midwest Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology, Columbus, Ohio. April 29, 2006.

Influence of Auditory and Visual Information on Tapping Responses to Non-Periodic Music

Entrainment Network Conference, Multi-media presentation and Lecture on experimental results, Columbus, Ohio. August 23, 2006.  

Deconstructing Insider and Outsider: Reflexivity in Issues of Personal Identity and Fieldwork in Jaunsar-Bewar

Midwest Society for Ethnomusicology, Bowling Green State University, Ohio. April 22, 2005.